Here’s What Makes Reima’s Xylitol Cool so cool
When the sun’s shining and the summer heat is on, it can be tough to keep kids cool and smiling. But thanks to the innovative tech of Reima Xylitol Cool that lowers body temperature, kids can play longer and harder all summer long.
Chill out with Xylitol Cool
Xylitol Cool gets its name and its cooling effect from xylitol, which is a naturally-occurring sweetener found in certain fruits, vegetables and plants. Originally developed in Finland from birch trees, xylitol has been used as a sugar substitute for food and chewing gum for decades. It has the sweet taste of sugar without the downers—in fact, research suggests it has 40% less calories, helps to fight against bacteria, and might even be good for our teeth.
These days, xylitol’s benefits aren’t limited to snacks. Together with a similar natural substance called erythritol, xylitol can be transformed into an environmentally-friendly, non-toxic heat-beating fabric finish. The finish is applied to summer clothing like T-shirts, making summer’s soaring temperatures a breeze.
How Xylitol Cool works
When kids wear clothing made with our special Xylitol Cool material, they’ll feel cooler because of the unique cooling finish. This finish doesn’t just create a cooling sensation—it actually cools the skin by 1.8 – 5.4 °F (1-3 °C). After about 10 minutes of wear, body moisture activates the finish, which then starts absorbing heat. It’s a fantastic way to help the body’s own cooling system work even better.
Reima Xylitol Cool fabric is a quick-dry, super stretchy jersey material that’s soft and comfortable to the touch. The finish, which is completely safe and non-toxic, lasts for at least 20 washes.
Cool for the summer
Ready for a cool summer? Check out our selection of summer clothing featuring Reima Xylitol Cool and start soaking up the sun!