How to Dress an Infant in Winter
Are you a new parent who is hesitant to take your little one outside during the winter? We understand! It’s cold, it takes a lot of time to dress everyone, and frankly, it doesn’t sound all that fun. The good news is that you can still enjoy the outdoors during cold weather! You just need to make sure you are prepared and educated on how to properly dress your baby for the winter.
This article will cover five important tips so that you don’t have to worry during the snowy season!
5 Tips for Dressing Your Baby in Winter
Dressing your baby in the winter is all about safety, warmth, and comfort. You’ll need to make sure you have the proper gear and are aware of potential signs that your baby is too cold or overheated. Before we get started, it’s important to note that babies should have limited exposure to below-freezing temperatures. Even if it’s above freezing, be cautious with how much time you are spending outdoors! It’s easy to feel cooped up during the winter but make sure you spend your time outside with your baby wisely.
1. Dress an Infant in Layers
It’s best to dress your little one in multiple thin layers as opposed to big, bulky ones. Layers are beneficial because they will trap heat between them, increasing warmth. Bulky clothing can cause overheating and even be potentially dangerous. For instance, a bulky coat should not be worn in the car because the thick layer can compress against the seat belt and increase the risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Because babies tend to shed heat quicker than adults, they might need more layers! A good rule of thumb would be to dress your infant in one more layer of clothing than you would need. So if you need two layers of clothing to be outside, dress your baby in three!
Reima has a great selection of wool onesies that can provide great comfort without being too bulky for the car.
2. Cover the Extremities
While it’s certainly important to cover their trunk and head, don’t forget about the fingers, toes, and ears! Our bodies send blood and warmth to protect our essential organs for survival. This can cause our outer extremities to be the first things that experience extreme cold. Make sure you cover your little ones from head to toe! A great place to start would be with s beanies , gloves , and some warm booties from Reima!
3. Check for Overheating
Even though this article is mostly about how to stay warm, make sure you don’t go overboard while dressing your baby for the cold. This is especially true during the nighttime as overheating can contribute to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
Be aware of overheating symptoms:
Moist hair
Rapid breathing
Flushed cheeks
Whenever you get inside, remember to remove any additional layers from your child, just like you would do for yourself! Extreme temperature shifts can cause them to be uncomfortable quickly and being too warm for too long is very dangerous.
4. Use Waterproof Materials for Snow Play
Our baby snowsuits are outdoor play because they are designed to keep your baby dry while allowing moisture to escape. This is extremely important to keep your baby comfortable and dry while playing.
5. Keep an Eye Out for Other Warning Signs
In addition to the overheating symptoms mentioned earlier in the article, make sure to also pay attention to warning signs that your baby is too cold:
Lethargy and unresponsive are possible symptoms of hypothermia or frostbite
Frostbite can often appear as a white-ish blistery area
Cold hands and feet
Pale skin
FAQs for Dressing Babies in Winter
Down below we answer some additional questions you might have!
When is it too cold for babies to be outside?
Try to avoid temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit if at all possible, and limit outside time even if the temperature is right at freezing (32 degrees). It’s especially important to pay attention to wind chill as it can feel a lot colder outside than the thermometer says.
How long can babies be outside in the cold?
Even if your baby is properly dressed, spend only 20-30 minutes outside during extremely cold weather. It’s not worth the risk if you are in extreme temperatures.
What’s the ideal room temperature for babies?
Keep the thermostat set between 68-72 in both the summer and winter. If it’s noticeably cold or warm for you, odds are it is not comfortable for your baby either. It is just as important to limit dramatic shifts in temperature indoors as it is outdoors.
Dress Your Baby for the Winter Cold with Reima!
Let Reima ease your concerns about keeping your little one safe during cold weather! We have a fantastic selection of outdoor baby clothing where you will find just what you need to stay worry-free! Shop today!